A downloadable game

Thank you for accepting the job of managing our friendly ghosts. Use them to spook and delight the guests at our haunted theme park!

Haunted Attractions is a resource management game made for PIGSquad's resource management summer slow jam! At the moment there is only a Windows build and a mouse is all that is needed to control the game.

HUGE shoutout to my amazingly talented partner - Holly. She was able to whip up the charming ghosts, logo, and other assets you can probably spot. She's the best!

The line art attractions are from Flaticon.com by the following artists: Pixelmeetup, Victoruler, Freepik, SBTS2018, Prosymbols Premium, Monomal, Smashicons, Vectors Tank, Shin_Icons, TOZ Icon, Circlon Tech

 I had an absolute blast making this game and I would love to hear what you think! :)

Updated 1 day ago
Published 3 days ago
Tags2D, Cute, GameMaker, Indie, Short, Singleplayer


HauntedAttractionsWindows.zip 5.3 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file and run the "HauntedAttractions" application. :)


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really love this fantastic game! the ui is great, the loop is satisfying, art is cute, and finding those things that feel like you're "breaking the game" (1 heart => 4! WHAT! xD) made for a lot of great feelings and fun times. would love to see even more like this!


Thank you!! Haha, I'm glad you discovered how strong the bunny ghost can be. :D I'm definitely feeling inspired to explore more gameplay like this!

Wow! So freaking cute. Loved the worker placement, resource generation mechanics. Excellent work!

Thank you so much for the kind words! That means a lot. I feel like there's a lot to play with when it comes to worker placement mechanics :)

This is soooo cute! I love it! Really impressed by how smooth everything is, it's all very polished and adorable. Well done!!

Aww thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I wanted more polishing time! Haha